With finals over the next couple of weeks there may be some very close games. Please make sure scorers understand what rules we are running by. If there are any issues on the score bench, please ask the referee or supervisor.
For U8 Special Game each team will need to provide a scorer.
For U10 – U20 Semi Finals final each team will need to provide a scorer however a referee will be allocated to sit on the bench (Depending on Referee numbers).
For U10 – U20 Grand finals teams will not need to provide a scorer which means all parents are able to watch the game. An official WCBA scorer and referee will be allocated to the score bench for all grand finals.
All Semi Finals will be run under the 50-minute schedule however they will be fixtured on 60-minute time slot. Please see rules below.
• Clock stops on time outs during the last minute of the first half.
• Clock stops on time outs, shooting fouls and substitutions in the last three minutes of the second half.
• Teams are permitted two-time outs per half.
• Two minutes permitted for half time interval.
All Grand finals will run under the 60-minute schedule however they will be fixtured on a 70 minute. Please see rules below.
• Clock stops on all time outs.
• Clock stops on all whistles during the last minute of the first half, and all whistles in the last three minutes of the second half.
• Teams are permitted two-time outs per half.
• Three minutes permitted for half time interval.
If any game is a draw in all final games, then the follow will happen. DRAWN GAMES (Finals)
Extra periods will be five minutes, with each team permitted one time out per team. The clock will stop on all whistles in the last three minutes of each extra period. A three-minute interval will be allowed between the end of normal playing time and the extra period.
Teams will play a maximum of three extra periods to decide a winner. If there is no winning team at the end of the three extra periods another match will be scheduled.
I will be sending each club there qualified playing list on Tuesday 29th of August.
If a player has not met the finals eligibility criteria for the number of games played in a regular season, then they will NOT be able to play in finals. Selection icon to move players from out into the active line up will be disabled for player who did not meet the eligibility criteria. If a player cannot be ticked into the finals game, then they have not met final eligibility and are not allowed to play. Fill in players are not allowed to play finals. If a team plays an unqualified player in finals the team automatically forfeits the right to continue in the final series and a $100.00 fine may apply to the club. Please see by law 7 b) (i).
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out via your Club!
Kind Regards,
Rebecca Roberts
WCBA Junior Domestic Competition Administrator