Celebration Day!

Get excited about a great day out!


Players Tickets:

Free! Need to be ordered

Send your free ticket request to

Coach & Team Managers Tickets:

Free! Need to be ordered

Send your free ticket request to

Additional Tickets Payments:
IF these become available, they will be at cost price for the club – $40. They will need to be ordered separately when the main orders have been processed. Date of availability to be announced.

Payment must be made to the Mill Park Rebelz account (details below). Email proof of payment to the club. Screenshot of bank record or photo of deposit slip (if paying by cash into the CBA hole in the wall teller)

To Order Your Additional Funfield Tickets

1) Make payment to Mill Park Rebelz CBA bank account – details below – use reference ‘Funfields tix’, family name eg “Funfields – SMITH, A&J (GRIGGS)”
2) Email proof of payment to BOTH emails below:
Bianca Bonnaci – biancabonacci81@hotmail.com
Nicole Waymouth – nwaymouth@hotmail.com 
3) Subject line MUST contain: ‘Funfields’, your child’s name, your child’s team and your name eg: Funfields tickets – Amy SMITH (U10G4), Jordan SMITH (U14B6), Kylie GRIGGS (Parent)
4) In your email say something like: 
“Hi Bianca/Nicole, Could I please order two players tickets (Amy and Jordan SMITH) and one parent ticket (Kylie GRIGGS). Payment for parent ticket done – see attached pic of receipt. Thanks, Kylie” 
5) Remember to attach proof of payment! Tickets WILL NOT be issued without proof of payment being provided by email.

Funfield Ticket Collection

Tickets (QR Code) will be emailed to the email address that you have provided. Use the QR Code for scanning to enter Funfields on the day.

If additional tickets are available, this will be announced Wednesday 15/11 and further orders can be placed and processed after this. First in best dressed will apply.

Account details – CBA

Name: Mill Park Rebelz

BSB: 063886

Acct No: 10382169

Rebelz 2023 Raffle

Prizes will be drawn on the day of 3rd December starting at 2pm

Prizes include:


Playstation 5 with NBA 2K24
Season Fee Vouchers for Winter 2024
Fiddes Sports Voucher
Kids Basketball Packs
Funfields Voucher (value $200)
Gift Card Vouchers
BBQ Tools
Smoking flavour Gift Boxes
Camping Stove
and other prizes to be won

Get in touch if you need raffle ticket books

Phone: 0412 126 544